Watch eudis el invencible video

 After the publication of a video that shows how Eudis “El Invencible” takes out his pen!s and puts it on a dancer’s buttocks, hundreds of people condemned the bachatero’s action and considered it embarrassing.Watch video hereWatch video hereEudis and an exotic dancer staged a scene in the middle of a pr!vate performance. Approaching her, the performer unbuttons his p@nts and reveals his vir!le member, placing it very close to the dancer.”An ill-intentioned person spread a video where you supposedly see a k!ss with the drummer. Here is the truth of the facts, I hope they make that one viral too,”she wrote along with a video in another angle of what happened at the event where she participated.The bachatero Eudis Alcántara explained in a video the reasons why he took out his pen!s at a dancer during a pr!vate performance this week and that he was captured in a video that was distributed on social networks.


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