Watch Abena Korkor leaked video

 Abena Korkor Names And Shames Ghanaian Big Men After Her Bedroom Video L*akedWatch video hereFans on Twitter are excited as Abena Korkor trends number one on the micro-blogging site with a hot bedroom video.Apparently, Abena Korkor recorded herself fu*cking herself with a s*x toy to send to some big men.Taking to social media, Abena Korkor has called out former NDC organiser Joshua Akamba to report himself to the police.She has also named the Deputy Director Cyber Crime Unit to report himself.According to Abena Korkor, she sent the video to these men and it is now on the internet so they’re suspects.She further threatened that she is going to expose all the big men she forwarded the video to because she wouldn’t allow them to humiliate her and go scot-free


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