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 EY’s annual Young Tax Professional of the Year competition delves into intricate tax challenges. In the current year, ten scholars hailing from six distinct Finnish universities—Helsinki, Turku, Tampere, Oulu, Aalto, and Hanken—engaged in the intellectual arena of the competition. This event serves as a stellar launchpad for students, propelling them into roles of expertise. The triumphant trio not only secures a coveted trainee position at EY but also garners a monetary accolade. The champion earns the privilege to represent Finland in EY’s global Young Tax Professional of the Year competition.In the recent bout, Inka Heiskanen, a business law and tax law scholar at Tampere University, clinched the foremost position. Kirill Helsing from the University of Helsinki secured the second spot, while Piia Kiuru from the University of Turku claimed the third position.“I am elated to have partaken in this competition and strongly urge others to join. It’s a platform for holistic self-development in both substance and presentation acumen. The case task proved intriguing, and the event exuded an encouraging atmosphere. Overall, an enriching experience!” exclaimed Heiskanen.“Hearty congratulations to Inka for triumphing in the competition! This year’s contest witnessed an exceptional standard, with a commendable display of presentation prowess and the ability to substantiate solutions for a demanding case task. Heiskanen showcased remarkable teamwork, emphasizing the strengths of others and demonstrating leadership in presentation scenarios and collaborative endeavors,” lauded Tuomas Anttila, an EY partner.The competition underscores the viability of unconventional approaches in vying for expert roles, transcending the confines of the traditional resume and cover letter. Participation in this intellectual battleground not only unveils one’s prowess but also secures a promising foothold in the consulting industry. The top three contenders earn coveted trainee positions at EY in tax services.Even those who fall short of podium glory can augment their professional prospects through this competition. Anttila elucidated, “At EY, we boast individuals who, in previous years, engaged in the competition without clinching podium positions. Nevertheless, their prowess convinced us.”This year’s panel of discerning judges comprised seasoned tax professionals: Jouni Arpalahti (Director, Corporate Taxes, Wärtsilä Oyj), Satu Roman (Vice President, Global Taxes, Fiskars Group), Vesa-Pekka Nuotio (Legal Counsel, Supreme Administrative Court), Lauri Luukkonen (Head of Taxation, Finanssiala ry), and Raimo Hietala (Partner, EY).


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