VIDEO: Robert Card, the shooter, has been identified as a Conservative after liking and following accounts belonging to Jim Jordan, Tucker Carlson, The Babylon Bee, and other MAGA supporters on his since-deleted X account

 Lewiston, Maine Mass Shooting Suspect, Robert Card, Has Been Previously Arrested For Child Pornography and Is A Registered Sex Offender Who CAN NOT LEGALLY POSSESS A FIREARM

After liking messages and following Jim Jordan, Tucker Carlson, The Babylon Bee, and other MAGA supporters on his now-deleted Twitter account, shooter Robert Card was identified as a Conservative. Law enforcement sources estimate that between 15 and 20 persons were murdered in the killings.  22 people had died, according to an earlier NBC News report that referenced a Lewiston police source. Fifty people were injured, not all of whom were shot. Some reportedly had injuries from a stampede, the sources said. Residents of Lewiston and the neighboring town of Lisbon are under shelter-in-place orders, Sauschuck said.  Lisbon was the location of a “vehicle of interest,” according to the commissioner. Earlier, Lewiston police released a picture of what seemed to be a small, white SUV with a front bumper that was perhaps painted black, stating that they were looking for the vehicle. CNN was informed by Maine State Police that the picture depicts the suspect’s vehicle. Lewiston is the second-biggest city in the state and is located roughly 36 miles north of Portland. The state police posted on Facebook, pleading with people to remain inside their homes with their doors locked. “Please dial 911 if you witness any suspicious activity or persons.” The city of Lewiston said that all municipal buildings are closed Thursday as the hunt for a shooter who caused multiple casualties in the city Wednesday evening continues, the city government said.  


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