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 Brianna Coppage, 28, left St. Clair High School in Missouri, where she teaches English to ninth and tenth grade pupils, last week. reason?



 Coppage, who also goes by BrooklinLovexxx on OnlyFans, promises paying customers anything from “squirting” and “anal sex” to “cream pies” and “solos.”St. Clair, southwest of St. Louis, with a population of about 4,700 people every hour. According to a school administrator there, the district recently learned that Coppage “may have posted inappropriate media on one or more Internet sites” and is looking into the problem. Meanwhile, Kopech was barred from entering the classroom.The public was outraged, but not at Kopech, but at the school, which was outraged that staff earning $42,000 per year had to work to augment their income. Her tale was widely publicized throughout Missouri and even across the Atlantic.We spoke with Coppage, who labels herself as “your favorite MILF” on OnlyFans, about how she got started on the site, society’s evolving attitudes about sex work, and her recent activities.This discussion has been edited for length and clarity.You’ve been a teacher since 2018 and joined OnlyFans at the start of the school year. What inspired you to try adult work?I always hear success stories about individuals making money. Such as “You can pay off your student loans and everything.” So it was those stories that prompted me to think, “Wow, I want to give it a try and see if it’s right for me.” That’s how it began.Absolutely. It was enjoyable for me. I believe it allows people to express themselves and accomplish something that allows them to be honestly themselves.According to what I’ve heard, you make $10,000 each month on this platform. Are you shocked by your success on OnlyFans after only a few months?I certainly am. It certainly did not happen overnight. I only found success when I collaborated with other creatives in St. Louis who had a large following. Then everything changed for me. It involves a lot of trial and error. You are not marketed to by OnlyFans. There is no “For You” page where you may find folks. As a result, you must perform a lot of marketing in other sectors.


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