Mahua Moitra leaked video, Indian politician and investment banker leaks

 In its initial official statement regarding the “cash inquiry” allegations levied against party MP Mahua Moitra, the Trinamool Congress on Sunday promised that suitable measures would be implemented subsequent to a parliamentary inquiry.It has been alleged that Marwa Moitra accepted opulent gifts or monetary compensation in exchange for bringing up concerns about Gautam Adani in Parliament. A erstwhile associate of the TMC president, Jai Anant Dehadrai, lodged an independent complaint against Moitra with the CBI.Mahua Moitra lodged a defamation suit in the Delhi High Court in retaliation. The Lok Sabha Speaker, Om Birla, transferred Dubey’s complaint to the parliamentary ethics committee.Nishikant Dubey and Dehadrai, both members of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), have been requested by the Lok Sabha ethics panel to deregister prior to the committee on October 26.Chairman of the ethics committee Vinod Sonkar guaranteed that the body would reach a verdict once it had thoroughly examined all aspects pertaining to the cash inquiry scandal. He stated that Nishikant Dubey was requested to produce evidence despite being the first BJP member to lodge allegations against a TMC member.Congressman Derek O’Brien stated in an interview with Press Trust of India (PTI) that Moitra had rectified the accusations leveled against her at the request of her party. Before issuing a “appropriate report,” the party leadership will await the conclusion of the parliamentary panel’s investigation. “Make a Resolution.”“The affected member has been advised by the party leadership to clarify his stance on the allegations levied against him.” “She has carried out that action,” O’Brien stated.“However, given that the issue concerns elected representatives and their privileges and rights, the matter ought to be examined by the proper parliamentary forum; the party leadership would subsequently render a decision in accordance with the findings,” he further stated.At one point, the TMC ostensibly severed ties with the controversy that surrounded the allegations made by the Lok Sabha MP.Moitra, according to Dube, was bribed by Darshan Hiranandani, the progeny of Indian magnate Niranjan Hiranandani, in return for her addressing particular concerns in Parliament.In a letter to Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla, he demanded the TMC member of parliament be “immediately suspended” on the grounds that “she and businessman Darshan Hiranandani exchanged bribes in exchange for cash and gifts to raise issues in parliament.”The industrialist admitted to the allegations that he personally questioned the Adani group using his position as a TMC member of parliament. Hiranandani subsequently asserted that the TMC representative had also solicited his assistance and presented him with presents.


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