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 Internet celebrity and DJ Sommer Ray has fired back at fans who petitioned her to open an OnlyFans account. Sommer Ray has been a well-known influencer since she started posting videos on Vine in 2013. She finally started modeling around 2016, and soon after started sharing workout videos on YouTube.Since Ray has been around for a while, he remains firmly committed to his career and is not signed to OnlyFans. However, fans have started a petition asking her to start creating content on the OF platform. From there, Ray started fighting back — not for the first time.Sommer Ray says she could have made $40 million from OnlyFans but chose not to participate.Sommer Ray’s OnlyFans petition creator hopes to raise $2,000 to get involvedSommer Ray frequently influences the stores online for her clothing brand, Sommer Ray’s. She is also an active DJ and performs concerts around the world.As her fan base continues to grow, she currently has 1.7 million subscribers on YouTube and over 25 million followers on Instagram.Although she is also known for her shapely figure, Ray insists on not entering the world of OnlyFans.When her fans recently started a petition to join the OF platform, Ray immediately called back and said, “Y’all are sick.” The fan who started the petition was aiming to raise $2,000 on GoFundMe because he wanted Ray to donate more money to join the OF platform. .This isn’t the first time Ray has had to fight back against fans who want her to start OF. Last April, Ray explained on George Janko’s podcast how people called her a “stupid” person for not joining OF. Ray also said she could have reached $40 million in sales if she joined OF, but she decided not to.Rae detailed her reasons for refusing to create explicit content, saying, “I’ve worked really hard to change my image because I’m not just a badass girl.”Ray continued: “I’m not just that. I have many layers. But when I do that, I face the stigma of being an ‘OnlyFans girl.’ You know what I mean?”


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