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 In the course of their routine patrol on a Monday morning, officers from the Joliet police force stumbled upon an unsecured gateway at the former residence of a Joliet woman situated on Manhattan Road. To their astonishment, individuals by the names of Goodwin and Patton were promptly apprehended and placed in restraints.The co-defendants were subsequently slapped with charges of burglary, unlawful possession of burglary implements, and criminal trespass. Olin Torkelson, the spokesperson for the Joliet police, elucidated that a sequence of events transpired, culminating in the arrest operation within the 900 block of Collins Street.An astute officer, engaged in the scrutiny of a commercial establishment along Collins Street, chanced upon an inadequately secured entrance to the said premises. Upon conducting an inspection of the premises, the vigilant officer came upon a white GMC SUV that had brazenly encroached upon the boundaries of a U.S. Navy property, where it had audaciously stationed itself adjacent to a structure situated within Steel Park.A thorough search of the structure ensued, resulting in the discovery of the concealed presence of Goodwin and Patton. Without any resistance, the two individuals were taken into custody, revealing their surreptitious activities. It was also in the immediate vicinity of the building housing the aforementioned individuals that an assortment of burglary tools was unearthed.Following their apprehension, Goodwin and Patton were subsequently transported to the Joliet Police Department, where they underwent the necessary booking procedures. They were subsequently remanded to the custody of the Will County Adult Detention Center.In the case of Barton, her attempt to secure her release by posting a ten percent bond proved futile, as her bail was affixed at a sum of $25,000. Meanwhile, Goodwin was met with a more substantial bail requirement, a staggering $50,000. The Wilmington gentleman found himself confined to detention and remained in custody through the ensuing days


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