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 The “Brazil UFO 1996” incident refers to the Varginha UFO incident, which occurred in 1996 in Varginha, Brazil.



This incident involved reports from residents claiming to have seen strange creatures and a UFO crash. The event gained significant attention and has been explored in various forms of media.The Varginha UFO incident is a well-documented case that involved sightings of unidentified flying objects and strange creatures in Varginha, Brazil, in 1996. Residents reported encounters with these unusual phenomena.The IMDb link is related to a documentary or movie titled “Moment of Contact (2022),” which explores extraterrestrial encounters, particularly focusing on the 1996 events in Varginha, Brazil, where citizens reported witnessing a UFO crash and strange creatures.Facebook provides a promotional video for “Moment of Contact,” highlighting the 1996 extraterrestrial encounter in Varginha, Brazil, where strange creatures and a UFO crash were reported.YouTube – EXCLUSIVE New Brazil UFO Evidence seems to contain information related to recent developments or evidence regarding UFOs in Brazil, possibly including aspects of the 1996 incident.The YouTube trailer for “Moment of Contact (2022)” provides a glimpse into the documentary’s exploration of the 1996 events in Varginha, Brazil.In summary, the 1996 Brazil UFO incident in Varginha, Brazil, involved sightings of strange creatures and a reported UFO crash, and it has been the subject of documentaries and discussions in recent years.


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